M. C. Escher tattoos
The dutch artist Maurits Cornelis Escher had made a real impact with his graphic work and impossible objects. He inspired many artists and there are many people who honor his work on their skin. Hope you enjoy these graphic M.C. Escher inspired tattoos.
Artist: Matteo Nangeroni
Some of the well-known scenes M.C. Escher drew were designed around impossible objects such as the Penrose staircase.
Matteo NangeroniArtist: Pablo Pedrajas Prats
âHands are the most honest part of the human body, they cannot lie as laughing eyes and the mouth can.â â M.C. Escher
pratstattooArtist: Rose Hu
In 1950, De Nederlandsche Bank held a competition to produce new banknotes, and Escher sent a series of sketches. Unfortunately, the designs have been refused for being 'too ornate.' Escher money would have made for great tattoos.
rosehutattoosArtist: Zlata Kolomoyskaya
âAre you really sure that a floor can't also be a ceiling?â â M.C. Escher
Zlata KolomoyskayaArtist: Fritz Karlton
âOnly those who attempt the absurd...will achieve the impossible. I think ⊠I think it's in my basement...Let me go upstairs and check.â â M.C. Escher
fritz.karltonArtist: Rachel Attrill
Did you know in Escher's earliest work we mainly find landscapes, for which he found inspiration in Italy, as well as some still lifes and portraits. Only from the age of 40 did Escher make 'Escherian' prints.
attrachelArtist: Rosie Seventyeight
Contrary to expectations, M.C. Escher little talent for mathematics. That all changed fifteen years later when he read an article by George PĂłlya about 'plane symmetry groups', repetitive patterns on two-dimensional surfaces.
rosie_seventyeightArtist: Yi Stropky
Escher made 448 lithographs, woodcuts and wood engravings and more than 2000 drawings and sketches during his lifetime. I wonder how many of those are immortalized in a tattoo.
Yi StropkyArtist: Lysette Knippers Dapper Tattoo
Did you know Escher had a preference for peculiar viewpoints. An example is Above and Below, where the same scene is viewed from two different viewpoints.
dappertattooArtist: Snuffy nyc
Maurits Cornelis Escher was a Dutch artist, known for his woodcuts, wood engravings and lithographs, in which he often played with mathematical principles. He signed his work with MCE.