Pink Panther tattoos
I've always had a soft spot for Pink Panther, the song, the coolness of the character and it has a certain feel to it. Even though the last episode of Pink Panther aired in 2009, Pink Panther tattoos are still hot and happening. And I can relate to why that is. Hope you enjoy these awesome Pink Panther tattoos.
Artist: David Whitegun tattoo
davidwhitegunArtist: Irene Samsa
“You can rest assured that there's trouble, because Inspector Clouseau is on the case.” - Pink Panther
irenesamsaArtist: Inkartdesiecle
Pink Panther scene, French journalist: Inspector, do you know if the killer was a man or woman? Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Well of course I know that! What else is there? A kitten?
inkartdesiecleArtist: Maggie tattoos
Did you know the famous Pink Panther soundtrack is composed by Henry Mancini.
bettermaggieArtist: Jeffry Burgess
Initially, the series was meant to star David Niven, but Peter Sellers proved to be so successful as Inspector Clouseau that the rest of the series was made to star him.
jburgesstattooArtist: Bonkee
The name Pink Panther refers to a diamond with a unique flaw. What a nice way to tattoo a diamond ;)
bongkee_Artist: Oldboy
oldboy_ncArtist: Lugosis
The Pink Panther series ran 47 years, from 1963 to 2009. I wonder when the first Pink Panther tattoo was set.
LugosisArtist: Pablo Dalas
This final Pink Panther episode was titled “Supermarket Pink” and was produced in 1980. Till this day Pink Panther is still so popular it gets tattooed regularly.
Pablo DalasArtist: S.W. Wright
“As long as I am confident with who I am, it doesnt matter what other people think” - Pink Panther
sw_wrightArtist: Mat Rule
Pink Panther was an immense success, but not all that came out was a big hit. The Pink Panther Laugh and A Half Hour and A Half Show aired in 1976 and showed that 90 mins was too much of a good thing.
matruletattooArtist: The magic rosa
Before Pink Panther was a TV Cartoon, he starred in short films. 124 of them to be precise. Eventually, they all appear on The Pink Panther Show, a Saturday morning cartoon that began in 1969.
The magic rosa